Struggling readers can develop routines that help them function in everyday situations. They can get information and entertainment from the telephone, television, radio, internet, DVDs, CDs, and MP3 players. High-functioning readers use the same sources and follow the same routines. But what happens when a storm knocks out electric power? What if there is damage to the living area? A whole-house generator and the ability to fuel it will be helpful. However, most households depend solely on the power company, so routines fail.
Suddenly, many sources are no longer available, and with prolonged/widespread outages, the routine is gone. Damage to the living area causes more problems. High-functioning readers seek information elsewhere. Print media is available to inform them of emergency services. They find information about the outage by locating and contacting the agencies that can help. They may be able to go to get help. They take advantage of any water, ice, and food distribution. Print media informs them of "survival" ideas. And they have newspapers, magazines, and books to take with them wherever they need to be. They fight their way through many unusual challenges.
Struggling readers lose their sources of information and entertainment and their routines. However, they are unable to independently take advantage of print media, so they need extra assistance to overcome the challenges. They cannot solve the problems related to storms and power outages without additional help.
To prevent these extra problems, the teacher or parent can help struggling readers improve their reading skills using The Sounds of Words. Help students learn how to concretely and multi-sensorily decode any words they are struggling with. Help students read and comprehend the information that they need/want to read!